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Percival Property

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Percival Property 


Percival Property, a well-known real estate agency in Port Macquarie, needed help keeping up with the constant demand for design, branding, and marketing services. They needed help meeting these demands for their clients and themselves and came across our agency, Neopitch, online.


Percival Property faced unique challenges in the highly competitive real estate market. Their brand had been changed to align with trends and demands, resulting in a loss of consistency and visual distinctiveness. Neopitch stepped in to help by conducting a brand audit of all the current marketing assets and engaging in in-depth discussions with senior staff and principals. This comprehensive approach allowed for an understanding of the problems with the brand identity and where Percival Property wanted to be positioned in the property market. The result was a meticulously crafted 'brand bible'.

Neopitch continues to be a sounding board for new ideas, strategy discussions, key messages, and more. Since our initial meeting, we have worked alongside Percival Property to create a range of marketing materials, including:


-  Brand identity and strategy

-  Promotional videos

-  Social media strategy and content

-  Press advertisements

-  Photo library (ongoing)

-  Bus shelter and bus seat signage

-  Radio scripts

-  Shopfront window decals

-  Letterbox drops

-  Promotional brochures

- Property signage, and more.

Then we can help you design a great game plan.

There’s no point having great advice, strategies and creative solutions without implementation.

Neopitch don’t walk away once the high-level thinking is done. This is where the real fun begins. Our team of experts partner with you to deliver the marketing components and help you put them into action. Neopitch is an agile team. We collaborate with experts across a diverse range of capabilities to execute your game plan, amplify your brand story and deliver results.

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Need to amplify your business marketing?

We're ready when you are.



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